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Is your business prepared for the flexible and smarter working revolution?

There are many benefits of flexible and smarter working for all sizes of business:

•    Increase in bottom line profit
•    Improved Customer Service
•    Increase in staff productivity
•    Reduction in energy and travel costs
•    Reduction in absenteeism
•    Reduction in property related costs
•    Retention & attraction of skilled staff
•    Increase in Staff Morale

It’s widely accepted that the world in which we’re living and working is in a period of change. Everyday things we have viewed as ‘normal’ are being challenged. It’s an age where once rigid boundaries are breaking down and previously separate elements of life are merging, both at home and in the workplace.

Over 4 million people in the UK take advantage of flexible, and smarter working practices. Still though many companies see ‘flexible working’ as a perk and a benefit that can only be offered to a few and those that do work flexibly, can they be trusted? Are they actually working when they cannot be seen? Is this your company mentality because if it is you clearly haven’t noticed what your competitors are doing. Technological advances mean we are currently in a new ‘industrial revolution’.

As part of Doncaster Business Month we have been asked to deliver the latest in their series of ‘An Hour Well Spent’ sessions.  We will be talking about how flexible and smarter working works for all sizes of business and how  in 2013 we launched our own flexible working policy and we will be talking about how this has transformed our business. To book a place at this event then visit the Doncaster Chamber website.

The ‘Hour well Spent’ will touch on the following areas:

  1. Flexible & Smarter Working – what does it mean?
  2. The ‘Martini’ Principle
  3. How flexible working can benefit you and your employees?
  4. What challenges can flexible working bring?
  5. What legislation changes are occurring in 2014 and how this can impact on your business?
  6. How effective technology can drive flexible and smarter working?
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