Delays on BT Open Reach Fibre Installation
In recent months the demand for fibre circuits has increased beyond BT’s forecasted level, this has resulted in longer than average lead times for all stages of circuit delivery.
The uptake of the governments BDUK iniative which encourages businesses via grants of up to £3,000 have increased the overall demand for fibre circuits. Coupled with the revised pricing scheme, launched in June replacing the first £2800 of excess construction charges with a flat rate fee integrated into the isntall date.
Summer time has historically brought minor delays due to staff holidays and BT have advised that they do not have enough members of staff to meet the current demand. They are increasing their staff levels to include an additional 450 field engineers and up to 53 additional FTE. Additional planners are currently completing training to bring planning lead times back in line with operational norms.
The initial planning stage which had a historical lead time to completion of 15 working days has for the majority of orders increased to 30 – 40 working days, thus delaying the issuing of the overall delivery date. The current standard lead time for fibre circuits for some orders is double that of the previous lead time.
We would like to apologise to any customers affected by the BT Openreach delays and can assure you we are working to obtain updates for inflight orders.
Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.Should you have any queries regards this update then do not hesitate to contact our team via 0844 474 0004