Upto £3,000 connection vouchers to boost your broadband – do you qualify?
Knowledge About Telecoms are delighted to be part of the Government Connection Voucher Scheme for Super Connected Cities.
The scheme, is designed to drive economic growth, innovation and enterprise within the SME, Charity and third sector environments and help these organisations gain access to high speed, high grade broadband and leased lines and all the associated benefits that go with it.
Knowledge About Telecoms are a registered supplier for this scheme and we can offer up to £3,000 worth of connection vouchers to eligible organisations in search of higher speed broadband. These connection vouchers are to be used for one-off installation or upgrade fees so if you already have broadband now and are not happy with the speed you may still qualify for the vouchers.
How long will the scheme operate?
Up until spring 2016
Who is eligible to apply?
You must be a small to medium sized business (as defined by the European Commission), a registered charity, social enterprise and/or sole trader that meet the below criteria:
- You are a sole trader or employ between 1 – 249 persons AND
- You have an annual turnover not exceeding €50mill AND/OR
- You have an annual balance sheet total not exceeding €43mill.
Your organisation must be located with the Local Authority Area of one of the Superconnected Cities. Check your postcode is in an eligible area on www.connectionvouchers.co.uk. Please note the address must be the registered office or trading address of the business. It can be a home address though proof is required that you work there the majority of the time. You cannot apply if you are employed and work from home.
If you are a tenant of a business park or commercial property landlord, additionally you must have the approval of your landlord before you apply.
How much support is available?
There will be a maximum of £3,000 (excl VAT) support available per individual applicant (dependent on line type). The grant covers the initial installation cost of the connections. Minimum grant available is £200. Please note that you have to pay the on-going costs and the VAT of the installation.
What can the Connection Vouchers be used for?
Knowledge About Telecoms can deliver various connectivity solutions, included wired and wireless broadband, and fibre connections including leased lines ad Ethernet first mile (EFM).
The main aim of the Connection voucher scheme is to deliver a step-change from your existing connectivity. Your business grade connection must show both of:
- Offering a minimum 20mbps service to your premises and be cable of being upgraded in the future to support at least 30mpbs.
- Delivering at least double the speed compared to your current business grade connections.
What happens next?
It is really easy to apply, after checking you are in an eligible area all you need to do is:
- Contact Knowledge About Telecoms for a no obligation quote.
- Send the quote through to your local council for them to give you the green light.
- Contact Knowledge About Telecoms with the go ahead. You only have a 28 day window to do this!
- Send our invoice to your council and we will do the rest.
Should you require any further information, have any questions or want information on how we can manage the entire process for you then contact the team today on 01302 260195 or via enquiries@